Larry informed me it was 20 days between postings. Apparently that is toooo long. I am going to try to post more. I think he just likes to read all the nice things I say about him when I blog. Maybe he could reciprocate! We had a great conversation last night. There are so many things to discuss when you are seeing a future in your relationship. Being on the same page or understanding what page your partner is on is sooo important. Some of the things I ask about are a little uncomfortable for Larry, but he graceiously conversates with me. Loving me throught it all. He does'nt ask the same questions of me. I'm not sure if he jsut does'nt think about it or if I just ask first and cover all the bases. My big fear is that when he does start asking questions of me I won't have all the answers. I know i'll have answers, but right answers???? I am really excited about the direction this relationship is going. Larry is my forever!
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Life Changes quickly, Just three weeks ago the kids and I were in the midst of summer. Enjoying lazy days and warm summer nights. We were involved with church and youth group activites, getting BBQ burns and shopping for school clothes........ Well in a matter of weeks that has turned into rushed mornings, homework, ROTC activities, football games etc..... My girls are Marines! WOW, Lonnje seems more excited about it than KiKi, she goes on and on about Gunner this and Epps that. I am happy for her. Kassadee has embraced the French language, she is just as at home with her Au Revoir, and Bon Saus as she is with Good bye and Good Afternoon. I am still in Love, I guess I should establish that I will stay in love forever, thats my plan. I love my time with Larry. His arms are my new comfy sweater. In his arms is where I am most content. Looking at his face is my favorite pastime. His lips are my new candy. I adore him. So other than Love and homework there is not much to say. We are happily trudging along. Garrett too. Oh yeah, My dad is coming next week. I know he'll love Larry too.
Posted by
Truly Graceful
9:28 AM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Happiness Rocks!
My goodness I am happy when I am with Larry. Just how happy I had no idea until he had to leave town for 5 days for the Nazarene KC District Assembly. We have been spending an amazing amout of time together and the time we spend for me is amazing. I know I said this in previous posts but he is my lazy Sunday afternoon. My comfort zone. God's hand is definately in this relationship. A Relationship, that is what we have, for me it has been so long, for him this is a first, never anything this serious or long term. WE both have baggage, but two entirely different sets. I sent pictures to my best friend, she said"Wow, you look great" I ran into a friend in the market she said"Whats going on with you, you look wonderful!" Well, I have to say Larry is what is going on with me., I have to say Thank you Larry for putting a sparkle in my eyes, a bounce in my step, love in my heart. For building with me a relationship with a firm foundation of Love and Trust~Friendship and Respect~Comfort and Stability. Thank you for bringing out the best in me, for seeing what's right with me, for putting up with what's wrong with me. Thank you for loving my kids and wanting them to be a part of your world. For considering their feelings and wanting happiness for them. Thank you for giving me the confidence to me, baggage, warts, scars, princess moments and all. Thank you for being the man that for the first time in my life, makes me see my future clearly without fear and worry. Thank you for being my incentive too. I love everything you are!
Posted by
Truly Graceful
2:40 PM